Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports.
Catch22 include Bristol is monitored by Ofsted. The school was last inspected in January 2019 and received a ‘Inadequate’ rating. Catch22 Include Bristol are very disappointed by this result and we have already taken significant steps to improve on this rating:
We have begun the implementation of CPOMS across all sites. This is to ensure that the recording and reporting of all safeguarding concerns are done so in timely fashion. At the same time we are training all staff on the effective implementation of the system.
Additional INSET days have been scheduled for the 14 and 15 February 2019. The main focus of these days is to address the issues regarding the Safeguarding and safety of students. This will include safeguarding and child protection training as well as a full review of risk assessments and organisation of trips and visits.
We have commissioned an external consultancy firm to complete a full and thorough external safeguarding review, this is to allow us to highlight progress that has been made since the inspection and also review how Catch22, as the Proprietor, support the school.
All exclusions now follow the statutory guidance. Historic issues regarding the use of exclusions were identified during the inspection and have now been addressed. Further training on 15 February is planned to address the culture and ethos of all sites to ensure that a consistent approach is implemented.
We have discussed support for our Lead Practitioners with a number of external agencies so that they are able to share best practice with colleagues at local authority network sessions, as well as take part in local MAT training, network and support sessions.We also agreed on the exchange of experience with the employees of best custom writing from which increased the written qualifications of our teachers and students.
Although the inspection result was disappointing there were a number of positives which are summarised below:
Our aims are to ensure that all students leave with a positive destination and with a range of age related qualifications. This includes the aim that all students leave with at least five qualifications (at least one will be a GCSE) including English and Maths.
In 2017-18 75% of our learners achieved English and Maths qualifications and more than 70% have gone on to a positive destination. Some of the headline figures for our results are below, however if you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact Mark Kennedy or the administration office.
Further information about school performance can be found on the Department of Education school and college performance website.
Parents and carers are encouraged to give feedback about the school to Ofsted directly, using the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire.